Tuesday, August 30, 2005

prison break

this year's fall tv season officially started last night (i think) with the two-hour series premiere of 'prison break'. since a friend picked me up for dinner, i decided to just tape the entire show and watch it later.

got home shortly before midnight. i wanted to watch just the first hour but then again, i got hooked already. it seems like i've found a new fave to add to my list.

other potentials: the reunion (also on fox), supernatural (wb)...

returning favorites: nip/tuck, alias, 24, desperate housewives, the oc, the amazing race, american idol, will & grace, survivor: guatemala...

might give it a shot: the apprentice (martha stewart); the apprentice (donald trump), any of the csi series,...

food, food, food - v 4.0

my trip to san francisco last week was fun. i got to dine with some friends and we tried out new restaurants. the first one was this nondescript, hole-in-the-wall thai place called 'pad thai express' along market street. at first i was quite hesitant, but when i tasted the food, it was glorious.

here's what we tried.

roast duck red curry. something new, something different. delicious.

j's fried tilapia on a bed of steamed vegetables, and sprinkled with
some garlicky sauce. a new attack at eating fried tilapia.

for dessert, we had ripe mango and sticky rice. it was yum-yum. the mango could have been better if it were from the philippines (sobrang bias na ito!) because pinoy mangoes are still the best.

and then we went to 'steps of rome' a coffee/dessert place in san francisco's little italy. if they had a little italy.
i ordered the white chocolate profiteroles to satisfy my sweet tooth.
i love, love, love white chocolate, so needless to say, i loved this one too.

then for lunch the next day, j and company brought me to this new filipino restaurant in san bruno. it's called 'patio filipino' and they serve filipino-spanish cuisine. something new uli. actually, this reminded me more of people i know who claim that they are filipino-spanish. basta lang maging hyphenate. filipino-this, filipino-that. whatever!

the food was different. something new din. fresh attack on old pinoy dishes. like this one:

crispy binagoongan. the way my mom does her binagoongan. dry. (meaning, no sauce, no floating oil). they put it on top of a grilled eggplant. and finally, they topped the dish with diced tomatoes. tops on my list!

before and after shots of sizzling bangus sisig. no further explanations needed.

seafood kare-kare. kare-kare with a twist. no beef, no tails, no tripe. instead, there were clams, tahong, squid and scallops. it was okay, not quite a big fan.

sinigang na corned beef. not quite how i imagined it. i thought and wished that this was their version of sentro's (a great resto in greenbelt, where i treated my family to a hearty dinner the night before my flight back last march) specialty. their versionw as kinda salty (maybe because of the beef being corned). not a big fan too.

j insisted on the classic lechon kawali. while it was good, i think i've had better lechon kawali in cheaper turo-turo type restos before.

rise, n'awlins, rise!

about a week ago, i wrote about the reason why i am not going to new orleans this year. it has become quite a yearly tradition for me to go to n'awlins (the way locals want to pronounce new orleans), and at first i felt sad that for the first time since 1999, i won't be able to visit this mysterious city. (watch 'the skeleton key' to get a feel of this city's 'mystery').

then came katrina. and she unleashed her fury. and today, this piece of news saying that new orleans needs to be re-evacuated, according to the governor of louisiana.

this reuters photo shows the 10 freeway leading to the french quarter, almost everything in sight submerged in water.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

food, food, food - v 3.0

not full yet? here's more --

my friends and i are not usually vegetable-friendly but on this particular night, when we tried out palms (in their new location), we ordered vegetable dishes. here's p's. [palms is a famouls hollywood (boulevard) restaurant. last week, they moved to a bigger and better location. the resto still has its thai elvis. thai elvis presley in da house!

and here's mine. remember my aversion to really spicy food? i asked them (as usual) to make mine mild. they made it mild. after eating everything on my plate, i noticed these red stuff. chili! so much for being mild.

finger food. yum yum.

on my recent trip to san francisco, i went to urban outfitters and saw this shirt.
it cracked me up. :D

how much of a coffee bean addict am i? well, my friend from san francisco called me up two weeks ago to tell me the good news that coffee bean has opened another branch in downtown sf. here it is, on 4th and market. i had to go. i had to go.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

food, food, food - v 2.0

okay, more photo- food-blogging here.

since it is still my birthday month... c treated me to a nice lunch one warm sunday afternoon. we headed to the post hotel bel-air. not wanting to attract attention to myself (with my camera and all), i took some pics from my trusted cam-phone. here's the entrance from the garden to the restaurant.

the wait staff knew it was my birthday and after the meal, one of them brought out their dessert sampler. the madeleines were yummy, the biscotti delicious, the chocolate chip (warm na warm pa, from the oven) smelled good and the strawberry thingy was awesome. needless to say, i've got some sweeth tooth.

singapore's banana leaf @ the farmer's market on third and fairfax. their food can be really spicy so i ask them to cook my meals mild. really mild. last time i was here, i ordered chicken curry. (there's still some left-over in my fridge)

sometimes, all you need is just a little patience a steaming bowl of pho. yes, pho. i love pho. and this month, my friend p and i discovered a really nice pho place close to where i live. it's on sunset boulevard (near silver lake) and they serve really good pho.

just how good? this good!

Friday, August 26, 2005

food, food, food

finally, i have downloaded all the pics from my camera-phone, something that i have been meaning to do, so i can start food-blogging.

instead of writing separate entries for all the food that i have consumed (hahaha, that would be a lot!), i have decided to just put everything under this 'food, food, food' post. let's see what happens.

for the month of august -- here are some of the old (and new) places my friends and i visited to satisfy our cravings.

my favorite cup of cappuccino from urth cafe

'taste,' a new restaurant along melrose ave. this is where i celebrated
my last birthday with my friends. it is located a few steps away from
hollywood hang-out lucques, where we saw ryan philippe.

chili's, located along san bruno avenue in san bruno. it is located
steps away from the courtyard marriott where we usually stay when we
travel up north. how strange is this? the past three times i went to san francisco,
i stayed at the courtyard, in the exact same freaking room!
buddha's belly, along beverly boulevard. my friends and i had dinner
here one time. the place was packed! i did not enjoy the food, though.
j's ginger fried rice was good; m's steak was delicious, i ordered
something soup-y and it tasted blah, blah, bland.

the softshell crab appetizer was good, the sauce kinda tangy.

another appetizer: vietnamese spring rolls. cpk's version is way, way better.

my tasteless, character-less and bland meal. i don't think i'd ever
make the mistake of ordering this at buddha's belly. beware!

the ginger fried rice. something new (the name) and something old (the taste).
still, i've had better fried rice before.
i like the plate.

the steak. with extenders galore. hahaha. i liked this one.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

yes, they can dance

ryan conferido and melody lacayanga, you rock!

they are the remaining finalists in this fox show called 'so you think you can dance,' a dance show produced by the people behind the successful american idol franchise. i've been wanting to blog about ryan and melody (and half-filipino allan frias -- a clueless friend asked me, 'kaano-ano niya si jasmine?' to which i responded with a blank look) since the show started but i haven't found time until i saw my friend mathew blog about it.

yes, they are pinoys and (i hope) they are proud of it. some people do not cannot see why pinoys in the u.s. get all happy and hyped up when they hear of fellow pinoys making it big in the mainstream. we want them to win competitions because they have the talent (hello, jasmine!) not because they are "supported" by a voting block, the fil-am block. we want them to break into the mainstream so that other people of color could get the same opportunity.

my friends j and m and myself were at the grove last week. we ordered food at L.A. Korea, a Korean restaurant at the farmer's market. we were waiting for our food when we noticed this kid, spiky hair and all. there was something in him i could not specifically pinpoint but i could sense the confidence. a few days later, j called and told me that the kid with the spiky hair, and ryan conferido is one and the same. the last time i saw him on tv prior to seeing him at the grove was when he had this slick, 70s-like hairdo a couple of weeks ago. it did not occur to me that it was him.

damn, if i knew, i would've asked him to dance like he's never danced before. because right now, whether he likes it or not, whether he wins the title or not, he is already a role model to the thousands of fil-ams growing up in search of a role model that looks like them and talks like them.

mv campaign

no, not my initials.

(click on the picture to go to the mv campaign website)

mv stands for michael vaughn which stands for michael vartan. yes, the guy on alias. it seems that the producers of the show have decided to kill him off the series. what the f*ck? after last season's finale where they revealed, well, michael vaughn revealed to sydney that he is not 'michael vaughn', you are doing this to us?

damn it, jj!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

sun city

i never thought there was a city in cali called 'sun city.' until tonight.

my friends and i drove (well, one of one did) to sun city (80 miles from where i live) to drop a friend off (parang package). this, on the night that i was supposed to sleep early because i'd be off to san francisco around 330 am (which is about half an hour from now).

anyway, plans for me to sleep went pfft when a friend asked if i could go with them to sun city. then we were joined by two other friends and it ended up as an unplanned field trip.

got home around past one. quick shower, packed my stuff, checked my emails, browsed some blogs, updated my own. time check: 3:05 am.

i'll be in san francisco around 9ish, then it will be meetings all the way. i hope i don't fall asleep during any of the meetings. kape!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


together with other asian media, we went to palmdale last week to get a sneak peak of the new wal-mart store there. this is no ordinary wal-mart, it's a wal-mart supercenter, you know, this girnormous super store almost twice the size of an ordinary wal-mart.

if you've been to a wal-mart store, then you'd have an idea. this store is huge, it's 205,000 square feet. it's a one-stop shop, too.

here's the store's facade. they are not open yet. they will open next wednesday, august 31.

okay, so we went inside and the store manager and some officials gave a tour. this supercenter is about as big (if not bigger) than their supercenter in bentonville, arkansas, which i visited last march. these supercenters are open 24/7 and the only day that they close is during christmas.

here's cynthia lin, wal-mart's corporate spokesperson, telling us about wal-mart's low, low prices. i didn't believe her at first, until i looked around.

and i found out that she was not lying. heinz ketchup (any variety) selling for zero dollars. what's cheaper than that? tell me.

during my tour, i met a kababayan. her name's ninfa and she works as a 'department manager' for the fine jewelry department. she's been with wal-mart for the past 12 years.

lastly, i saw this sign. wal-mart's also selling 'character' at a discounted rate. i can't complain!

can't stop smiling

you would too, i swear.

okay, so i am not going to new orleans this year for the labor day weekend. but guess where i am going instead. guess again!

manila, i'm coming home next week!

okay, self, settle down. yes, i'm going home on a business-related trip. which means that i might not be able to have enough time to be with family and friends but hey, i am not complaining. i'll have weekends off. i think.

there you go. my week started right. very right! if it were any more right...

Monday, August 22, 2005

talk, talk, talk

that's what my friends and i did for hours on end today. one, two, three, four, five hours passed without us even noticing it. we "watched" (and i use the term loosely) two movies when we had a break. the films? the village and hitch.

the village had way too much negative publicity that i admit i decided not to watch it because i've read all the bad press the film has successfully (pun intended) generated. it had its moments, as m night shyamalan is known for with his films. but these were of the jolt variety, where there was really nothing suspenseful about it. i was just surprised to see adrien brody in the movie and i think he was quite good as the crazy/lunatic noah. his nose was just so disturbing.

hitch. well, we had some of our talks while hitch was ongoing so i did not actually get to watch the film in its entirety. i almost forgot that a pinoy was in the cast of hitch. yes, lea salonga's flower drum song leading man, jose llana. he played the role of a photographer.

got home late. really late.

Saturday, August 20, 2005


it's been awhile since i went to the movies with my friends so when the opportunity presented itself today, my friends and i grabbed it. so what did we watch? the great raid. and since we had time to spare, we also caught the skeleton key.

capsule reviews: for the great raid -- i enjoyed it. maybe because i've read almost all the negative reviews about it so i ended up not expecting too much about it. watching the movie was almost like a homecoming for me. it's just funny how white people (in general) pronounce cabanatuan [ka-ba-na-two-an] as [cabana + twan] pretty much in the same way as cabana is pronounced. we pronounce it with emphasis on the third syllable; they pronounce it with emphasis on the second.

it was an emotional ride for me, especially during the execution of ten POWs because one of them tried to escape. i ended up sniffing, stifling my tears. i don't know why it had that effect on me. and during the movie's 'highlight' (why, the raid of course), i also ended up suppressing my tears, to no avail. damn.

maybe because i made it personal. one of my mom's brothers was in the actual death march from bataan to camp o'donnell in tarlac and watching on the big screen the atrocities and the senseless killings of innocent people just did it for me. hah. my anti-war sentiments creeping up.

damn the reviews! the movie may not be of oscar-caliber but it was fine story-telling. and isn't making movies just a glorified way of telling oft-untold stories?

the skeleton key was alright with me. it had its moments. kate hudson is a really wonderful actress. what i liked most about the movie? the fact that the film was shot in its entirety in new orleans, one of my favorite cities.

i've been going to the big easy every year since 1999, and every year has been different. i've also nursed a broken heart here one time. hahaha. senti. i think i'm going to break the six-year tradition this year. stand by!

Friday, August 19, 2005

one out of four

alin, alin, alin ang naiba? piliin kung alin ang naiba. piliing mabuti, mabuti kung alin. alin ang naiba? [thank you, batibot.]

some scandalous british rag revealed that one of the westlife guys is not actually a guy. uhm. guess which one?

the news item further said that "he's currently dating another guy from another boyband."

the original title of this post was 'one out of five' but then one of them quit last year.

so, who's the fairest of 'em all?

hi and bye kaysar!

last week, with an overwhelming 82% of all the votes cast, america chose kaysar to return to the big brother house. as julie chen says, it is a "season of surprises." hence, this sudden gimmick of putting evicted people back into the house. oh well.

this is 'big brother 6' and there was a reason why i decided not to join the bandwagon when the show premiered about a month ago. i was a certified 'big brother' addict, having survived the first five seasons. my interest, however, started waning last year.

this interest was once more piqued last week when i started reading about an evicted houseguest making a return, with america voting on which one makes the grand return. and then, this guy, kaysar (a graphic designer from irvine, originally from iraq -- i wonder how much of this factoid caused him to be selected as one of the houseguests this season) was the unanimous choice in almost all of the blogs that i visit every single day.

tonight was the first time this season that i finished an entire episode. it's crazy in that house, i am telling you. it's a house divided, and because of broken promises and lies, the people in the house are fighting each other like crazy. there's no sense of civility in the way they act when they are in front of each other. this is what happens when you get stuck with other strangers for a hundred days without any exposure to the outside world.

which brings me to 'pinoy big brother.' i've also been reading a lot about this new show that abs-cbn will start showing next month (i think). they dubbed it 'ang teleserye ng totoong buhay' or something to that effect. i hope the producers got a good mix of houseguests so it won't be boring to watch. i'm really looking forward to this show on tfc.

the differences between big brother here and pinoy big brother?

the host/s. here, it's just julie chen. i read three people will be hosting pbb -- willie revillame (huwat?), toni gonzaga and some girl named mariel. i wonder how it will eventually play up.

the nomination/eviction. here, it's the houseguests who will decide which one's evicted. pbb will ask the help of the viewing public to evict the not-so-liked houseguest (based on a nomination from the HoH, which means Head of Household).

the prize. here, it's now one million bucks. past few seasons were 500K. pbb winner gets "a million pesos in cash pot money, a brand new Nissan Frontier Titanium 3 and a house and lot in St. Monique Villais."

Thursday, August 18, 2005


i was doing my usual blog-hopping when i came across this material about the launching of a new men's magazine.

its name? men's vogue. and this is their maiden issue --

my 2 cents' worth? it's a surely novel concept, lending the all-too-familiar 'vogue' name to an 'aspiring' men's mag. but then, it would have been better if they just took a different name and earn their reputation from there, than coat-tailing on the undeniable success of vogue. but then, that's just me.

george clooney looks dapper, but he looks kinda old too.

according to the new york times, "The target reader is a man over 35 who earns more than $100,000 a year, is already living the life he wants rather than merely chasing it, and presumably isn't too embarrassed to be seen reading a magazine that for more than a century has been associated with women."

i am so not their target reader!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


i might as well turn this whole thing into a food blog. hahaha. i was browsing a friend's blog when i came across this uniquely pinoy quiz. needless to say, i took it, and what do you know:

Adobo: Meats simmered in soy sauce and vinegar.
Classic Filipino dish

Which Filipino Food Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

and then it says: This quiz has been taken 1214 times. 4% of people had this result.

what? only 4%? hmmmm.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

viva cristeta!

ladies and gentlemen, meet cristeta comerford, the first woman executive chef of the white house. yes, she's pinay! in fact, she graduated with a degree in food technology from the university of the philippines. you make us pinoys proud ms. comerford! go feed the bushes some lumpia and adobo!

photo courtesy of tina hager/the white house

read her story here.


defamer couldn't have asked it better: what do you get a woman who has everything for her birthday?

answer: three cracked ribs, a broken collarbone and a broken hand.

happy 47th birthday madonna!

little biatch

weather-related stuff: i am so loving it. it has been cool since sunday, and when i woke up this morning, i checked my window and yes, it's another overcast day. nice.

i was not doing anything last night so i practically channel-surfed until i stopped on mtv. laguna beach was playing. the remote control got its rest. i think i missed a couple of episodes and i'm quite confused as to why stephen and lc were practically hooking up in mexico. and what's up with kristin and talan? shoosh. juvenile talaga.

since it was way too early to sleep, i decided to stay on and watch the season premiere of this show called 'super sweet 16,' also on mtv. the premise is simple, cameras will follow a young girl who's about to turn 16. not 18. 16.

i was cursing at my tv from the moment the show started (presented commercial-free by diet pepsi. thank you diet pepsi!) until it finished. this episode's celebrator is a little bitch named sophie. she's a huge black girl. okay, she's probably bi-racial. we didn't get to see her dad, only her stupid mother. sorry, i got so affected.

the mom says she spent almost 190 thousand dollars just to make her daughter's 16th b-day memorable. if you were the kid, you'd treat your mother well, correct? not this one. she's way too disrespectful and she tells her mother to 'shut up' and pretty much orders her around. and what does the stupid mother do? she relents, and gives way to what her bitch daughter wants. pathetic people.

this girl sophie is vile, sobrang feeling, nakakakulo ng dugo. the mere thought of her right now makes me want to crawl into, yes, into, my tv screen so i can bitch-slap her till kingdom come. one comment i read made me laugh really hard. 'if i were as ugly as that bitch, i would be super angry as well.' point well-taken!

and today, i was doing my usual blog-hopping when i came across this. it turns out i was not the only one who hates this bitch. hahaha. i need to get a life!

Monday, August 15, 2005


i was awakened by my cell phone ringing at around 8 am. it was my cousin from victorville.

we're bringing another cousin to the airport. she's going back home to dubai/abu dhabi where she has been based for decades. she was here in cali to attend the pearl anniversary of her graduation from the school where i also graduated. hehehe. pearl = 30 years and i was pretty amazed that a huge majority of their class (UP PGH College of Nursing, Class of 1975) is now based here. and for the past three decades, they've remained in contact. she told me she had a blast.

anyway. i feel so sleep-deprived. i hit the sack around 4ish earlier. why? we got home past 2 am, and i was not yet sleepy so i tinkered. next think i know, it was already past 4. again.

i officially hate airport food. highway robbery! sobrang over-priced. there's this food court at the second floor of the tom bradley international terminal. we decided to go japanese. i ordered curry rice with pork. almost nine dollars. i was so disappointed when i got my food. i wish i brought my camera to capture how disastrous and atrocious it was. imagine this: a cup of rice literally swimming in yellow curry. and four freaking strips of breaded pork chop. four strips. one inch by four inch strips. damn. i've never felt so short-changed. and to think i did not even pay! (my way-richer cousins paid for this bad, bad meal!)

and oh, the title. the sky was over-cast this morning. it didn't feel like it was a summer morn. i'm not complaining. i don't really like it hot, hot, hot. sun finally shone around 3 in the afternoon. or maybe 4. i am not sure. i over-compensated for my lack of sleep.

R called to ask if i had dinner plans. i had none, so off we went to isla. it's not your islandy-type of resto. it's just named like that.

it's actually a pinoy buffet in eagle rock. comfort food galore. i think i over-ate. what else is new? isla is the only restaurant in los angeles (probably in the entire us of a, chances are) that serves dinengdeng, an ilocano dish that my mom used to cook a lot when i was small. of course, mom's version is unbeatable, but when she's a thousand of miles away, one can just settle on the next best thing.

dinner was capped with coffee as usual. at the coffee bean (where else?) J followed, P followed as well, with H. fun night.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

drunken warrior

thanks to a strong tall glass of white chocolate mocha at susina earlier, i was still up at around 2:00 am when R called me up and asked if i was still awake. i was quite bored to tears and since i could not summon the flock of sheep to bring me to sleep-land, i said i was still up, doing absolutely nothing.

turns out that R was with my F (hey cuz!) who was kinda very drunk. we spent acouple of hours chatting, and getting F to sober up. he eventually did, i think. anyway, they were gone around past four and goodness gracious, i was still up. i watched 'y speak live' on tfc (it was on that time) and when it was already utterly unwatchable (sorry ryan!), i retreated to my room.

my computer was still on, i sat down and i started typing. it's way past four. i need to sleep.

Friday, August 12, 2005


had a great dinner yesterday with some people i used to work with back in manila. the occasion? one of our co-workers back then is in la-la-land with her hubby for a vacation.

dinner was at romano's macaroni grill in cerritos. in attendance? me, sha-bu-hi and hubby, tess, and our guests gi and jay. the wait (for seats) was almost half an hour; no thanks to a miscommunication. the wait (for food) was quite long and the server kept on re-assuring us that our food was being prepared and that their kitchen was slowed down by this party going on yada yada yada.

we didn't actually mind the wait, as we were deep in catching up with each other's lives. and other people's lives. hahaha. what a fun night.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

the great raid

okay, so after a couple of years, miramax is finally showing 'the great raid,' a story about the 'most daring rescue mission of our time.'

search to involve pilipino americans (sipa), a los-angeles based grassroots organization is sponsoring a special screening which will be held at the East West Players at the David Henry Hwang Theater, 120 Judge John Aiso in Little Tokyo. Tickets are $35 and $50 and include a 6:30 PM merienda (snack) reception before the 8 PM screening. For more information, call (213) 382-1819, ext. 123.

the film recounts a rescue of more than 500 POWs from a prison camp in Cabanatuan [my hometown!] during world war II. it is inspired by true events and based on two books -- William Breuer's "The Great Raid on Cabanatuan" and Hampton Sides' "Ghost Soldiers."

i can't wait to see this film, despite the fact that Variety slammed it and called it a 'lost opportunity.' according to the reviewer, "This overlong march will bore all but the most nobly patriotic." Ouch!

even the acting of benjamin bratt, james franco and joseph fiennes were not spared. at least, the reviewer somehow praised the acting of cesar montano.

thanks to a colleague, winston, for bringing a copy of variety where the review came from. photos via miramax.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

oh no!

promotion for an upcoming movie reaches eBay. hollywood's full of gimmicks. the highest bidder has bid $4,050 for a date with the 40-year-old virgin. four thousand freaking bucks.

and speaking of weird stuff, how about this one? there's a man from texas who hopes to visit all the starbucks stores in the united states. he has a website; so far, he's been to 4,775 branches! wow. some people have way enough free time on their hands.

and lastly, this:

via BoingBoing, taken outside the Century Lounge strip club (near LAX).

Monday, August 08, 2005

of deaths and mortality

two of my closest friends called me up yesterday afternoon just to tell me that peter jennings has passed away. i felt sad upon hearing the news.

i don't really know mr. jennings as a person but for the past five years or so, i've been watching him (whenever i can) on ABC World News Tonight. his death is a great loss to the field of broadcast journalism.

mr. jennings passed away 4 months after he announced to the world that he has lung cancer.

since we're already in such a morbid topic, i also wanted to say something about the death of former senator raul roco. i know a lot of people who voted for him when he ran for president not once but twice! [sorry, i can't help it...] he was always tagged as the third guy and needless to say, he did not even come close to winning. had he won, the philippines would have been in an entirely different scenario today. but then again, i am just speculating. this is one of the moments that trigger the what-ifs in life.

my heartfelt condolences to the family of mr. roco, including his son rex who i got the chance to interview for 'campus journal' back in college.

inxs in excess

my friend m and her friend e picked me up today to go to the cbs studios and watch a taping of the reality show inxs: rockstar. i'm not a big fan of the band. in fact, i don't even know a song that they made famous. but i know who they are.

it was the same venue where we watched american idol two years ago. we also fell in line for more than an hour before we were allowed inside the studio which was transformed to look like mayan. the set was beautiful. it was a standing room only crowd so by the time the taping finished, our feet were aching like crazy.

since the show will be aired on tuesday, we were asked to sign release forms and confidentality agreements. i don't want the legal eagles of cbs to be running after me so i will refrain from talking/blogging about it.

not to give it all away: the performances that blew me away -- mig ayesa (yay! he's really, really good. even without my personal biases) and ty and marty.

other notables: jordis, jd, brandon. so-so -- i forgot their names. i think deanna, jessica and another one. suzie. sorry girls. bottom three?

after the taping, we went to the grove and had a hearty dinner. then ice cream at bennett's. then kape sa coffee bean. as usual. while having dinner, i saw olivier, the french guy on the law firm. he was also at the french crepe place where we were having dinner. wala lang.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

alias updates

fall is more than two months away and i am dying (exaggeration, of course!) in anticipation as i wait for my favorite shows to come back on my tv screen.

for alias, from the wires --

French actress Elodie Bouchez is the latest addition to the cast of the hit ABC spy drama "Alias."

Bouchez will portray an internationally wanted criminal who, unbeknownst to Sydney Bristow (Jennifer Garner), has been secretly working with fellow CIA agent Michael Vaughn (Michael Vartan) for several years.

Bouchez won Cesar awards, France's equivalent of the Oscars, for her roles in "Wild Reeds" and "The Dream Life of Angels," and also won the best actress award at the 1998 Cannes Film Festival for the latter.

ABC is adding several cast members to "Alias" to give Garner's character "some new dynamics and some relationships to play off of," ABC Entertainment president Stephen McPherson said last week.

ABC also announced the addition of Rachel Nichols to the cast as a technical analyst who works for a black ops division of the CIA and is mentored by Garner's character.

"Alias" is moving to 8 p.m. Thursdays this fall. Its season premiere is scheduled for Sept. 29.

Friday, August 05, 2005

rent poster out

after all the bad stuff that has been happening this week, a ray of light came streaking today. this poster. ang babaw ko.


a friend of mine picked me up at work today. we headed to the beverly center to do some strolling and window-shopping.

we saw the other half of the gutierrez twins at the coffee bean [6th level] of the beverly center. this one's raymond, i think. no, i'm sure. i saw him about four years ago at the baby shower of his sister ruffa. back then, he was so huge. i wonder how he lost that much weight. he probably shed off a good hundred pounds. or probably even more.

we decided to go to the grove because nothing caught our fancy. on our way down the escalator to the parking, we saw julian mcmahon. yes, the other half of the star-doctors on nip/tuck, one of my fave shows. he was on his way up to the stores and he was looking at the ground all the time. i missed the chance to say how much i love their show. i heard stars love hearing that. hehehe.

okay, so off we went to the grove. again. went straight to the coffee bean. and guess who were outside the store? the entire wayans brothers. i only know them from 'hot chicks' an 'not another teen movie' so i really don't know all their names and how many were they.

my friend and i decided to cap the night with dessert at la-la-land's hottest and newest bakeshop and pastry shop: susina. my friend had orange cheesecake [i tasted it. urth's triple layer/oreo/new york cheesecake win by a mile for me] and i had a banana cake [it had a classier name, i just forgot] cream pie and it tasted well. yumyum.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

black wednesday

it's still the same. i wonder when all these will end.

anyway, i forgot to tell the story about my birthday dinner last night. it was held at this new restaurant along melrose called 'taste.' it's a stone's throw away from the more famous (and pricey!) lucques and ago, the hip restaurant owned by robert de niro and christopher walken and friends. it's a few blacks away from dolce, this cool resto owned by ashton kutcher.

since our reservation was at 9:00 pm, and we had to wait for two of our friends, we decided to stroll towards urth caffe and get some tea and cake. ibang klase. nauna ang dessert, which by the way was a nice pot of 'peaceful mind' blend and a chocolate blackout cake.

rewind. before we found a parking near 'taste,' my eyes wandered and outside lucques, i saw this all-too-familiar guy. he was on the fone. i stared longer and realized who it was. ryan philippe. mr. witherspoon. in da flesh. some of my girl-friends could kill me right now.

we made a quick right turn and another right, so we could get a closer parking. sure. no luck. but ryan was still there. we watched him get inside lucques and join a girl by the resto's bar (thank you windows!). we peered to see if reese was inside. she was not. it was another girl. uh-oh!

anyway, my friends and i watched 'wedding crashers' today and we had a hoot. it's one hell of a funny movie. risque and really funny. we were laughing so hard during most parts of the movie. rachel mcadams (the notebook) was simply beautiful. owenw ilson and vince vaughn were natural comedians. we wanted to do a marathon but something prevented us from doing so.

also, today's the first day of the grove's summer concert series, so the pond was transformed into a stage. john stevens (the dorky guy from ai season 3) and minnie driver were the day's main performers.

which brings me back to ryan philippe's wife. reese has a new movie and it's like 'ghost.' mark ruffallo co-stars and the movie's quite promising. i like reese. i think it's called 'just like heaven.'

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


this storm could have happened any day before today but it happened today, my freaking birthday.

to all those who remembered, thank you very much.

this day could probably go down in my history as one of my saddest birthdays ever.

i look at it this way. a personal fight between two friends has escalated into a war and it has started claiming innocent victims.

i wish i had the power to undo things and put them back where they were. i wish i had the power to convince people to think that we did the right thing. i wish that i had a clear mind to tell myself what that right thing was.

we may not have taken sides but deep in our hearts, we know which team we played for. and i hope that matters.

Monday, August 01, 2005


it's the first day of the eighth month of this year.

my computer in the office breathed its last and crashed. i have no idea if i can retrieve any of my five year-old files from it. my computer has been continually upgraded through the years, but my files still remain intact in the hard drive as more gigabytes are added to it.

i realized that it was about to breathe its last when last friday it froze on me like three times. that rarely happens with macs so i was a bit alarmed. i started backing up my most important files (photos, articles, mp3s, others -- in that order) but unfortunately, it was burning files at about 1 kb per minute, which is like too slow for a supposed fast computer. i really don't know what happened. i know it has 20 gigs of free space so it was really kinda unexpected to crash.

but crash it did. along with some memories of my past five years. i'm keeping my fingers crossed that our tech guy will be able to retrieve my files. if not, i'd probably go nuts. dunzo!