Wednesday, September 06, 2006

goodbye will kirby

big brother 7 (all stars!) has been my summer's guilty pleasure and i must give credit where it is due. janelle rocks!

in what is considered as a 'shocking move', janelle decided to send dr. will home after she won the power of veto. hay. long story. bottomline: janelle and will and erika and mike boogie are in the final four. mike boogie and will belong to this alliance they call 'chill town' (and this was born five years ago, during big brother 2, which was won by dr. will, who is the only big brother winner in this season's all-stars).

mike is 'showmancing' (root word - showmance - show + romance) erika and it felt like erika fell for mike boogie hook, line and sinker. will is 'flirtmancing' (you get the drift) janelle and it felt that janelle was putting this relationship ahead of her alliances in the house. it was because of this that howie and marcellas (both close to janelle) and danielle (erika's best friend) got evicted and choll town sailed on to the final four.

left photo: that's will sandwiched by erika and janelle while right photo shows chicken george and the two ladies.

janelle evicting dr. will is classic reality tv and mike was well, surprised (and it's too lame a word to use) and shocked and pissed and it's good television. hah! i liked dr. will and his evil, manipulative ways in season 2 and i was almost expecting him to win this but thank god for janelle for clipping his wings this early (or this late).

finale is next week, september 12. the jury (the evicted houseguests, like survivor) gets to decide who is going to win the half mil. there's a 3-part competition ongoing among the final 3. part 1's winner will meet part 2's winner in part 3. the winner of part 3 will then decide which co-competitor s/he is going to bring to the final 2. enter the jury of 7 who will decide the winner of big brother all stars. whew.

two days later is the premiere of survivor. and amazing race. hah. my reality tv fixation continues.

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