Monday, September 17, 2007

major adjustments

whew. i've been remiss again, but what can i do? i've been having major life adjustments.

the time zone's killing me. for almost a decade, i've lived in california, so pretty much, my body clock has been stuck on pacific time. now that i'm in the east coast, my body clock still screams LA, and for the past three nights, i have been sleeping way past 3 am. last night was probably one of the worst, i slept around 5 am!

that shouldn't be a surprise though, since 3 am is just 12 midnight in LA, and 5 am is just 2. but what can i do? i don't do catnaps anymore (unless there's a drive involved, like yesterday when we had to drive around 45 miles to old bridge township to attend/cover a wake. i slept halfway through the trip. don't worry, i wasn't the one driving. hahaha).

this morning, i had to force myself to wake up at 9, since i had plenty of phone calls to do. i brewed coffee, the strongest possible, to wake me up. i think that helped. i've lined up my things to do and on top of that list is to unpack, then fix my stuff then do my laundry. all my stuff are strewn all over the apartment it's almost unbelievable. thing is, this apartment is just temporary, because we're moving to a new place come november.

hah! just the thought of me packing and unpacking again makes me weak. and yeah, i had some bruises from the moving. yup, me, who never get bruised. ever. two on my left arm and one on my right. they look nasty.

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