Monday, January 16, 2006

so much to blog about...

yet so little time.

i haven't been blogging regularly because i have been quite busy since my arrival last thursday morning. of course, the entire day was spent with my family. my mom's condition is improving, thank god. she now uses a cane (noel, i didn't have to buy her one) which she finds funny. don't ask me why.

met my friends friday. interestingly, these are not my friends from manila but friends from LA. it was fun bringing to manila what we always do back home (my other home), which is dine out and hang out. fun, fun, fun. for two days.

sunday was family day. too bad my folks had to attend a wedding for lunch so i was left with the tres marias (my 3 nieces). not bad.

it's monday and i'm in makati. kinda hungry. that's all for now.

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