Friday, March 03, 2006


i hate it that the east coast is 3 hours ahead.

i hate it that my favorite reality shows, including american idol, are aired ahead in the east coast.

i hate it that i have friends in the east coast who love, love, love to annoy me by spoiling my fun and revealing who gets the boot or who wins. year after year after year. season after season after season.

having said that, say goodbye to the four contestants who got kicked last night.

i was so spot on with my prediction about the girls. not with the guys. damn.

2 of the remaining 5 guys i picked got the boot last night. good night and good luck sway penala and daniel radford.

now who's supposed to leave next week? if there's justice in the world, they would be kinnik and melissa and gedeon and kevin. on to the final 12!

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