Wednesday, March 08, 2006

'pack your bags'

simon cowell echoed my sentiments last week when i said that melissa mcghee and kinnik would be leaving the show, if there is justice in the world.

indeed, there is justice in the world, as the two ladies sang back to back last night and performed well below par. hah. goodbye girls!


Lightheaded said...

reading the title of this post i thought this was another one of those "i'm-off-to-manila-again" thingy. hahaha. i'm kinda used to reading that. but was disappointed it was about AI.

simon's right. and simon has favorites. unfortunately it wasn't melissa. i like her actually. but i can't seem to pick off anyone else from the lineup so i'm going with melissa and kinnik as well.

momar said...

hahaha. i wish. i really wish.