Thursday, August 18, 2005


i was doing my usual blog-hopping when i came across this material about the launching of a new men's magazine.

its name? men's vogue. and this is their maiden issue --

my 2 cents' worth? it's a surely novel concept, lending the all-too-familiar 'vogue' name to an 'aspiring' men's mag. but then, it would have been better if they just took a different name and earn their reputation from there, than coat-tailing on the undeniable success of vogue. but then, that's just me.

george clooney looks dapper, but he looks kinda old too.

according to the new york times, "The target reader is a man over 35 who earns more than $100,000 a year, is already living the life he wants rather than merely chasing it, and presumably isn't too embarrassed to be seen reading a magazine that for more than a century has been associated with women."

i am so not their target reader!

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